onsdag 23 mars 2016

Domestic lesson - baking scones

English school day

Greetings from the Ruby class when we had our English School Day. 

We started the day with morning assembly in the PE hall. There we listened to Sir Hamic when he told us a story and had a moral speech, we sang a song together.
Then we had four lessons. They were Music, Domestic, Science and History. On the Music lesson we learned about British music, we listened to songs and sang together. On the Domestic lesson we baked English scones. On the Science lesson we talked about Easter and made some experiments with eggs. On the History lesson we learned about famous British people.

We also had a break and lunch of course. 

At the end of the day we had an English tea party, we had tea and scones with whipped cream and jam. That tasted good! Then we saw a film about friendship. All the pupils liked this day.

Thank you all polite and nice pupils for today.
Mrs Gudmundsson
On the picture you can see nice pupils with school uniforms!

tisdag 15 mars 2016

Till elever i skolår 6 med vårdnadshavare


Informationsträff inför årskurs 7

Tisdag 5 april 2016 kl 18.00 är du som blivande förälder välkommen till en kort presentation av Nordinskolan. Vi samlas alla i ”Restaurang Eleven” Nordinskolans matsal (sporthallen). 

Informationsmötet tar ca 45 minuter.


Personal från fritidsgården Nöjet presenterar sig och sin verksamhet.
Kort presentation av Nordinskolan
Kort presentation om elevhälsan
Information om moderna språk
Inför skolstarten på Nordinskolan


Fritidsgården Nöjet har öppet under mötet om du som elev vill hälsa på och se deras verksamhet.



Anna Rothzén


Klipp ur, fyll i och lämna till nuvarande klassföreståndare senast måndag 4 april 2016

   Vi kommer ……………  vuxna.


       Vi har tyvärr inte möjlighet att närvara.


Elev: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..…